JV, Equity Investment & Merger on Milestone


Client Need

Investments/JV/M&A for further development of its Biotechnologies and commercialization.

Solution Approach

  • Aagami identified right investors/ partners, and took them to 20 + companies. 
  • With focused efforts 3 companies had post CDA level scientific and technical discussions. 
  • Aagami kept facilitating and persevering, 1 large company moved to term sheet level discussions.
  • Aagami travelled with client CEO to meet Chairman of Strategic company in March 2020 to finalise the deal
  • Supported client through structuring of the deal and negotiations. Continued to support after the term sheet and till definitive agreement was completed in March 2021.


  • Large Pharma, acquired 12.5% stake in WRS (March 2021) with a provision to acquire over 50% on agreed milestone completion
  • Based on the progress, the agreement has been signed for 100%  acquisition. 