Aagami to Storm DCAT week in New York City (March 20-23)

Published : 24 Feb 2023

We are glad to inform that Aagami CEO Dinesh Jain will be attending DCAT Week 2023 in person from MARCH 20 to 23 in New York City. If you or your team are coming to DCAT too, we would like to schedule an in-person meeting. 

Dinesh would love to discuss updates and opportunities we can collaborate on. 


Aagami will also be representing a few of the client opportunities there.


Please confirm your interest and advise us a few date and time options for a meeting from Sunday MARCH 19th until Thursday MARCH 23rd.


Aagami are expecting more than 25 meetings during DCAT week. Hence please send your requests soon before calendar starts overflowing.

You can send us meeting requests on godwyn@aagami.com and akshay@aagami.com.
